Wednesday 23 October 2013

Learn To Play The GAME of MONEY

Question:  How to make MONEY?
It is interesting to discover that almost everybody in this world would want to be rich to live their desired life, who doesn’t? The interesting discovery is how many would actually ask the question HOW and would TAKE ACTION to find the answer? 

Like students in class, whenever students could not figure out a question, they would raise their hand and ask the lecturer how. I think that is easy to understand. Surprisingly in reality, many would not ask the question 'how' when it comes to the subject of money. Indeed it is an interesting finding based on observation.

Therefore, we must take the initiative and do the best we can to learn from people who are financially successful. We have to learn how they made it, and what are the secret strategies involved. 

In short, we have to 'Learn To Play the Game of Money.'

"The more you learn, the more you earn" by Warren Buffett is very true.

Most people have not learnt how to play the GAME OF MONEY; they do not know the rules of this game and would therefore find themselves not being financially independent even though they worked very hard.   

It's like playing football without knowing the rules of the game, what would the possible outcome be?

Remember the monopoly game we played since we were little kids? Wonder why some would win while some often find themselves losing in the game? 

Well, you would notice that the winners often win due to their nature of being a risk taker that would made them own more properties and less money on hand (they think wealth = properties).  While on the other hand, the losers usually dislike owning more properties and would love to hold cash in their hands. Hence they usually shy away from making any huge investment in buying properties (they think wealth = money in their hands). Therefore, it is just a matter of time for the winners to win as the probability is high for the losers to enter a winner’s property.

That is my experience when I played monopoly during my childhood period. 

In reality, we need to learn how to play the GAME of MONEY! Once we know how to play it, making money is easy! It is all about applying the right strategies and we would be successful financially in life. 

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