Wednesday, 13 April 2016


In the investment game, TIME is a crucial factor. Now you will be asking the question WHY?

Let me explain using two handsome guys, Thomas & Henry as an example:
(a) Thomas invested RM10,000 in stocks, making 10% a year, for 30 years, he would get a whopping return of RM174,494. That's over 1600% return.

(b) Henry invested the same amount, but he invested 5 years later than Thomas, for 25 years only, his return is RM108,347. That's only 980% return, a RM66,147 difference compared to an investment period of 30 years. 

So is Thomas smarter than Henry? 

Actually no, he just started EARLIER. Well, Warren Buffett (3rd richest man in the world) started investing at age 11, he's 85 years old now, an amazing 74 years investment period. I wonder what am I doing at age 11? Why wasn't I am taught about this? ISH~

We have to start somewhere, so yeah, I started at age 22. 

Please start early in educating yourself about investment, the earlier you start, the easier its going to be, and the richer you will become. 

P/s: You may 'LIKE' my page in Facebook (George Leong's Investment Journey) and 'SHARE' this post to benefit others as well. Thank you! :)

Kindly PM me to register for future workshops about "How to INVEST in the Stock Market" and "How to Invest in the Property Market".

Have a great Saturday!

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