Wednesday, 23 October 2013

My Own Story: Learn to Play The Game of Money

I believed it was during my SPM years that I kick start my journey towards learning the game of money. I had a hard time back then as I have little interest in studies as teachers did not really share how we could apply the knowledge in our everyday lives. It's more like just reading and memorizing the textbook for exam. And I know it could not really bring me anywhere towards financial freedom. But still, I need to make sure I do well to enroll to a university.  

There was a POPULAR bookstore beneath my tuition center 'Kasturi' and whenever there is free time, you would see me there searching for financial and motivational books. 

As back in 2005, there are hardly any books from local authors about investments in Malaysia. Somehow I managed to find some and felt glad about it.

I recalled reading Azizi Ali "Millionaires are from a Different Planet" & the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong "My Story". Both books literally blow me away as it's far more interesting and practical compared to the textbooks in school.

Since then, little George started to register for online newsletter from financial author Azizi Ali (one of the pioneer in Personal Finance in Malaysia) and would receive monthly updates. Besides, I would search for financial articles (The Star newspaper) and magazines (Malaysian Business & Personal Finance) to read.

The more I read, the more I learn that the world of finance is just fascinating, and how unfair it could be to people who chose to ignore knowledge regarding our world's financial system.


During those years, attending a seminar or workshop remains a dream for me as I could not afford to pay for it (RM790-3,800/pax). However, saying "NO" is not an excuse hence relying on just books & free newsletter is the only way for me to gain knowledge.

What about learning from people? Well, when I observe the people around me, I discover that my family members, friends & teachers do not have a financial background, and they know very little about Personal Finance & Investments. Thus I have to rely on my own to make a difference.

Why others are rich? (Assuming they make money the ethical, honest & legal way)

What is the main difference that makes the difference? Why the disparity gap of the rich & poor is widening through the years? 

Well, it all comes down to making FINANCIAL CHOICES every single day, and that choice comes from FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE. 

Where does that come from? 



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