Wednesday, 18 September 2013


1. As the word 'CAPITALISM' suggest, CAPITAL rules... Hmm~ some would say not really...well think again!

2. What if you are being told that a recession is not caused by accident? but a plan knew by certain groups of the rich? 

3. Guess the poor or layman may not really know what causes a recession? or why are they currently in a recession? and not know why they lost their hard earned money in investment products.

4. Some may say is due to GREED that they lose their money, while others may say a LACK OF FINANCIAL EDUCATION is the main reason for this. I guess it's both and many are not aware of this!

5.Well, the rich will never want you to know about money... or rather the rules of the game. Because if you know it, they can't earn your money. 

6. May be that's the reason why schools never teach us about it... or banks not taking the time to explain it to you clearly about the property/personal/credit card/car loans you are taking. Ever feel that you are stupid when they explain to you about it? And feel that what they say is the truth and never bother to seek the truth? 

7. Many may not even be aware about it... and the banks love that, the rich loves that... they want your money and they do not want you to know the rules of the game.Worst of all, the rules itself is unfair, hence an unfair advantage to the rich. 

8. Read this:

9. A massive transfer of wealth is taking place from the poor & middle class towards the rich. Hence the saying, the rich gets richer, while the poor gets poorer. 

10. Why is the rich getting richer while most of us are suffering in a recession?

11. Aha... this is a good link for you...

12. Any country that embraces a capitalist economic structure will witness a huge disparity gap between the rich & the poor. It's the nature of it. Take a look at Hong Kong, China, Singapore, South Korea, US & Malaysia. Of course, there are also good points about capitalism but that would be a sharing for another day.  

13. So yeah baby!!! are we going to ignore the importance of educating ourselves about 'MONEY'? or we are willing to take 100% RESPONSIBILITY to make that change and start paying attention to FINANCIAL EDUCATION.

14. Perhaps reading my book 'Believe in Your Dreams & Grow Rich' might be a good start... It's available in MPH, The Times Bookstores etc...

Believe In Your Dreams And Grow Rich

The above is for educational purposes only! Readers should conduct their own research and make their own decisions.

You may contact me at or 017-6593817 for financial consultation :)

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