Wednesday, 23 October 2013

My Own Story: Learn to Play The Game of Money

I believed it was during my SPM years that I kick start my journey towards learning the game of money. I had a hard time back then as I have little interest in studies as teachers did not really share how we could apply the knowledge in our everyday lives. It's more like just reading and memorizing the textbook for exam. And I know it could not really bring me anywhere towards financial freedom. But still, I need to make sure I do well to enroll to a university.  

There was a POPULAR bookstore beneath my tuition center 'Kasturi' and whenever there is free time, you would see me there searching for financial and motivational books. 

As back in 2005, there are hardly any books from local authors about investments in Malaysia. Somehow I managed to find some and felt glad about it.

I recalled reading Azizi Ali "Millionaires are from a Different Planet" & the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong "My Story". Both books literally blow me away as it's far more interesting and practical compared to the textbooks in school.

Since then, little George started to register for online newsletter from financial author Azizi Ali (one of the pioneer in Personal Finance in Malaysia) and would receive monthly updates. Besides, I would search for financial articles (The Star newspaper) and magazines (Malaysian Business & Personal Finance) to read.

The more I read, the more I learn that the world of finance is just fascinating, and how unfair it could be to people who chose to ignore knowledge regarding our world's financial system.


During those years, attending a seminar or workshop remains a dream for me as I could not afford to pay for it (RM790-3,800/pax). However, saying "NO" is not an excuse hence relying on just books & free newsletter is the only way for me to gain knowledge.

What about learning from people? Well, when I observe the people around me, I discover that my family members, friends & teachers do not have a financial background, and they know very little about Personal Finance & Investments. Thus I have to rely on my own to make a difference.

Why others are rich? (Assuming they make money the ethical, honest & legal way)

What is the main difference that makes the difference? Why the disparity gap of the rich & poor is widening through the years? 

Well, it all comes down to making FINANCIAL CHOICES every single day, and that choice comes from FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE. 

Where does that come from? 



Learn To Play The GAME of MONEY

Question:  How to make MONEY?
It is interesting to discover that almost everybody in this world would want to be rich to live their desired life, who doesn’t? The interesting discovery is how many would actually ask the question HOW and would TAKE ACTION to find the answer? 

Like students in class, whenever students could not figure out a question, they would raise their hand and ask the lecturer how. I think that is easy to understand. Surprisingly in reality, many would not ask the question 'how' when it comes to the subject of money. Indeed it is an interesting finding based on observation.

Therefore, we must take the initiative and do the best we can to learn from people who are financially successful. We have to learn how they made it, and what are the secret strategies involved. 

In short, we have to 'Learn To Play the Game of Money.'

"The more you learn, the more you earn" by Warren Buffett is very true.

Most people have not learnt how to play the GAME OF MONEY; they do not know the rules of this game and would therefore find themselves not being financially independent even though they worked very hard.   

It's like playing football without knowing the rules of the game, what would the possible outcome be?

Remember the monopoly game we played since we were little kids? Wonder why some would win while some often find themselves losing in the game? 

Well, you would notice that the winners often win due to their nature of being a risk taker that would made them own more properties and less money on hand (they think wealth = properties).  While on the other hand, the losers usually dislike owning more properties and would love to hold cash in their hands. Hence they usually shy away from making any huge investment in buying properties (they think wealth = money in their hands). Therefore, it is just a matter of time for the winners to win as the probability is high for the losers to enter a winner’s property.

That is my experience when I played monopoly during my childhood period. 

In reality, we need to learn how to play the GAME of MONEY! Once we know how to play it, making money is easy! It is all about applying the right strategies and we would be successful financially in life. 

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The Greatest Money Making Asset

The Greatest Money Making Asset
That Will Generate You Massive Return

So, what is the greatest money making asset that Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Li Ka-Shing, Robert Kuok and you possess? No…it is not the MBA you are thinking of nor is it the inheritance that some rich kids are having from their parents. 

The asset I am talking about is what we had since birth, something GOD has blessed us all for.

Let me reveal to you that the greatest money making asset that you have is your MIND! It is the way you think that matters most. I still remember that from some books I read a few years ago, I could not believe it that the mind is so important and it could be so powerful. You would probably notice most motivational books convey the same message too. It took me some time to really experience and understands it. 

Yes, it is true… the MIND is the greatest asset of all. 

What & How You Think & Do That Matters

When you think about it, the super-rich have the same neurology and raw material like us. They have the same pair of eyes, ears, hands and legs like us, there are nothing different between them and us at all. The only difference is their mindset, it is what they think, how they think and what they do that matters and that makes the difference in life.   

Successful people often chose to view things positively, they do not believe in failure but treat it as a learning experience. They take actions till they succeed.                         

Remember Prof. Stephen Hawking from Cambridge?  He is an academic celebrity and is well known for his scientific findings. However he has motor neurone disease that is related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a condition left him almost completely paralyzed. Though he could not walk and could only talk with the help of a computer, this is what he said when interviewed in discovery channel. “Although I cannot walk and although I can only talk to you through the computer, but in my mind I am FREEEEEEE!”

So let’s view life positively and make the best out of it by taking action to invest in this asset of ours, the mind!

Mindset – a set of beliefs or a way of thinking that will determine one’s behavior, outlook and mental attitude